A new report by the American Lung Association finds that:
"hundreds of infants' lives would be saved and millions of children would breathe easier across the US if the nation's power grid depended on clean energy and more drivers made the switch to zero-emissions vehicles."
While the anti-electric vehicle movement, which includes the current Premier of Alberta Danielle Smith, make a lot of noise about Elon Musk and the evil EV-industrial complex, what gets lost in this oft-ridiculous debate is that combustible car engines and dirty sources of energy pump out a constant stream of things that are really bad for our lungs.
The researchers estimate that there would be 2.7 million fewer asthma attacks among children and 147,000 less cases of bronchitis if the US had zero tailpipe emissions by 2035, as well as:
2.67 million less pediatric upper respiratory symptoms
1.87 million less pediatric lower respiratory symptoms, and
508 less infant mortality cases
Recently Danielle Smith announced new regulations that in essence put a halt to the construction of new renewable energy projects. The Alberta Premier followed that announcement up with a new tax on EV's that will disincentivize Albertans from buying an electric car.
These new Danielle Smith anti-renewable regulations make no sense in so many ways. But politically for Smith these backwards policies do get a small, but vocal contingent of voters who apparently value "pwning the libs" over their own children's health. With the way things are going for Smith in Alberta, she is no doubt taking the first step in damage control: secure your loyal base of supporters.
These anti-clean energy politics might help Premier Smith and other politicians pick up some votes here and there in the short-term, but for the long-term it means more sick kids and more asthma.
Danielle Smith, and all the other politicians out there who are thinking that an anti-clean energy, anti-EV campaign might be a political winner, need to know that blocking progress on clean energy and electric vehicles means more children with asthma and other serious lifelong chronic lung conditions.
We need to make noise. We need to make sure that every politician out there knows that if anti-clean energy policies might get you a few votes from the fringe-right, the vast majority of us will stand up and vote these degenerates out of office.
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